First, let’s establish the main problems most small businesses face:

  • Always worried about paying bills
  • Not controlling the costs of running their business
  • Not fully understanding their accounting reports
  • Not always meeting their profit goals
  • Don’t know what immediate financial decisions to make
  • Not growing their business fast enough


A good AI software should then be able to help them with the problems listed above. They become essentially the objectives of the AI software:

  • To never stress about paying their bills
  • To always be in control and manage their costs
  • To care less about understanding accounting reports and jargon
  • To always meet their desired profit goals
  • To know what to do today, next month, and next year
  • To finally start growing their business


For most companies, the simple task of gathering and tabulating their data into the right framework is always a daunting task. Their data usually spread out throughout their operational systems using multiple mediums. Thus, it becomes a huge problem if this task is left to human responsibility. An AI software is smart enough and able to look through all data sources of the company and retrieve what’s necessary for analysis and decision-making. Plus, it can do it a thousand times faster.


A good AI software can develop unlimited indicators. The Key Performance Indicators to be developed usually depends on the industry. For manufacturing companies for example, a deep analysis of direct costs is critical because they tend to operate mostly on cost-plus pricing model. For service-based companies, determining their break-even point by analyzing their variable and fixed costs is also important. When processing this data, an AI software will use a combination of statistical and financial formulas as long as it’s applicable to the industry in question and the type of data the company has.

If the AI software is smart enough, it will know:

  • What data it needs based on industry specifics
  • What Key Performance Indicators to calculate


At this stage, the AI software is able to put side by side each problem of the company and provide a specific solution/decision.

These are the possible solutions/decisions a good AI software can provide based on the problems listed initially:

  • Always worried about paying bills
    • After a thorough analysis of the financial infrastructure of the company, the AI software can suggest the recalibration of the business model in a way to ensure that the most critical bills are paid first, and the rest can be paid progressively on a schedule so that company never faces a cash flow issue. This process is similar to those companies developing multiyear payment plans for those with excessive and uncontrollable credit card bills.
  • Not controlling the costs of running their business
    • After a thorough analysis of the cost infrastructure of the company, the AI software can not only find the cost line items where the company has overspent but also provide specific amounts to spend at the certain income limit.
  • Not fully understanding their accounting reports
    • Most financial AI software are preprogrammed with all accounting standards and can determine the meaning of every ratio when it comes to the Profit & Loss Report, Cash Flow, and Balance Sheet Statements. Thus, the AI software takes the job of an expert financial analyst and will provide the bottom-line answers to the business owner regarding their accounting reports.
  • Not always meeting their profit goals
    • A good AI software is always interactive and will enable the decision maker to establish their desired profit goal. Thus, Simulating any specific outcome is critical to any good AI software. Then it will be the responsibility of the AI software to redo a full and comprehensive analysis of the company’s financial model and provide the most feasible structure to attain this profit goal. Essentially: “Give me your profit goal, and I will tell you how to do it”
  • Don’t know what immediate financial decisions to make
    • Automating financial decisions is at the core of a good AI software. Sometimes a business owner simply needs direction based on what’s happening inside and outside the company. The Most potent AI software can simultaneously analyze the internal Key Performance Indicators while at the same getting a pulse of the outside market environment. The combination of these two sources of answers is used to propose a set of actions that will be beneficial to the company in the short and long-term.
  • Not growing their business fast enough
    • A good AI software will come programmed with usually one central goal: How to earn maximum profit. This requires either controlling costs and/or growing revenues. To grow revenues the good way, a company must be able to sell more of its products/services that yield the highest gross margins. Thus, the AI system seeks to always to propose the right types of products/services to sell, at what price, and at what quantity. The ongoing suggestions related to profit-maximization will enable the company to grow naturally and organically and as result, accomplishes the growth objective.


This is what differentiates a software from an AI software: SELF ADJUSTMENTS. For any system to be smart it needs to be programmed in a manner that allows it to adjust itself progressively.

Here are the reasons Self Adjustments are necessary:

  • There will never be a system that will be able to guarantee or know 100% what will happen in the future simply because the future will never be in the present. Thus, it is impossible to predict a specific outcome for the future. AI software are built to try to get as close as possible to the future outcome.
  • It is unlikely that any AI software is accurate on the first set of recommendations. Thus, by allowing to adjust itself progressively, it will yield better and better results in the future.

Why are Self adjustments so essential to any AI software?

  • To continuously rate its overall accuracy
  • To determine the strongest indicator of a potential result
  • To determine the weakest indicator of a potential result
  • To determine if the current suggestions accomplish the goals as established
  • To determine the cause and effect of certain observations
  • To place more emphasis on newer data sets while considering all data sets
  • To determine if a specific variable is affected by other independent variables


If you are seeking the #1 ai software to make financial decisions, then you should try the DECISION MAKER.

  • A simple to use software for the go-getters who are ready to go to the next level
  • Does the financial analysis and thinking for you so that you can do what you love
  • Guides you along the way so your bank account is never empty
  • Sifts through the useless information and gives you only the information you need
  • Helps you reach the heights you were always expecting

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